
BLT – Under Starters Orders

While I may not be a car fanatic, there’s certainly a car of choice: the Porsche 356 (C or A), of which there is a gleaming example spitting distance from the Brown in Town shop in the Bonhams marquee at this year’s Goodwood Revival – a car I wholeheartedly intend procuring when the time is right. But that time is not now. For the uninitiated, the Goodwood Revival is a nostalgic celebration of all things pre-1966, when the circuit was reopened, following its closure in the wake of Stirling Moss’s near-fatal crash in 1962. Of course, given that we have recently become parents of our second child, I fully appreciate…


Who? Emma Stone Where? Magic in Moonlight premiere, Paris Reminding us why the LBD is a perennial fashion favourite, Emma Stone encapsulated the mood of the roaring twenties whilst retaining a thoroughly modern edge in this Chloe dress from the Resort Collection. Vintage elements such as the drop waist and finger-wave hairstyle are cleverly updated with the addition of a sheer guipure dotted skirt and a fringe trim around the bodice that feels reminiscent of the paillettes seen at Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton of late. Velvet ‘Pensamoi’ Louboutins with red flower embellishments and an emerald take on a smoky eye keep the look youthful. With more than a touch…


We are fast approaching that time of year: everything you invested in for last season’s ‘sliding about’ is in perfect working order, but there’s just something missing. Perhaps it’s that sense of capitalist validity, when you order a fresh new jacket or sneakers for the après snow season ahead. WeSC are a Swedish clothing brand founded in 1999 by a collective of skaters, boarders and clothing addicts, all working towards the same ideal. WeSC has an enviable list of what it calls ‘WeActivists’: musicians, skateboarders, snowboarders, and anyone leading their subculture really. We are huge fans of the letterman style, not to mention the tidy tortoise shades.  

The BLT – The Rules of Engagement

Ever since Adam utilised the proverbial fig leaf to protect his modesty, we have worn some form of clothing or another. Whether or not your vestments are designed to keep you warm, or indeed, if you are blessed with clement weather in your world, to keep the sun from scorching you, they are, or at least were, designed for the express purpose of protecting us from the elements. And, where sartoria is concerned, if you must wear a suit, or rather, if you prefer to wear a suit out of convenience, or indeed, necessity, tradition or simplicity, then there a few rules of engagement which will ensure that you are…

Jean Richard

Remember the chap who landed his stricken aircraft safely on the Hudson, becoming a US national hero and providing us with another YouTube video to stare wide-eyed at. He isn’t your everyday brand ambassador. You have to wonder how the team at Jean Richard approached Captain Chesney Sullenberger. Gently, one would assume, and with no sudden movements. No doubt by now the media have circled and dispersed. Another interesting choice is James Blunt. But Jean Richard are no-flash-in-the-pan, oh no. As the sister brand of Girad-Perregaux, they have worked hard over the past few years to really develop the brand and design. Jean Richard base their communication on four different…

Put up your Dukes

Bored of floating around on the fickle winds of fashion? I think that you need something reliable in your life. As a country boy, I work on the premise of ‘If it’s not in fashion, then it can never be out of fashion’. And I pride myself on my mantra of ‘Tradition, tradition, tradition’. However, contrary to what you may now think, we don’t just wear baggy-arsed red corduroy trousers with turn-ups at half-mast. When not slowly pickling oneself in port for the six months of darkness, the winds of fashion do occasionally blow through the ‘the sticks’. These winds tend to bring variations on tweedy classics and the odd…

The BLT: Power dressing

It is befitting, if you’ll pardon the pun, that I scribe this ode to power dressing from the uber-hip Hoxton Hotel, where I am surrounded by the stylish, the powerful, and the movers and shakers of my hometown. You see, when it was suggested to me that power dressing might be a good theme for this issue of The Review, I ironically thought it a dreadful idea, ostensibly because it conjures images of the gauche businessman of the 1980s in ill-fitting, chalk-striped suits – certainly for the majority of my peers anyway. But it conjures, for me, images of the greatest power-dresser of all time: Gordon Gekko, one of my…


As the photo-sharing app cements its status as fashion’s darling, Theresa Harold helps you sort the wheat from the chaff. Something strange has happened to my Instagram feed. Where before there was a stream of carefully-curated and beautifully shot images, there is now a deluge of blurry snaps. Composition seems to have gone out the window, and every shot is either too bright or too dark. I am, of course, writing this mid-Fashion Week – New York’s to be precise. Soon, Paris, London and Milan will follow, and it will be a solid month before my Instagram goes back to its restrained and tasteful norm. It’s easy to see why this happens….