Discovery 3
Let’s be reasonable; JLR have sold 1.2 million of the things since the launch in 1989. They’re vastly popular, account for a huge slice of the 4×4 pie globally, and will drive over almost anything and anyone.
Let’s be reasonable; JLR have sold 1.2 million of the things since the launch in 1989. They’re vastly popular, account for a huge slice of the 4×4 pie globally, and will drive over almost anything and anyone.
As spring arrives in the UK, it marks six months since we started to plan the fettling of our Discovery 3 into a daily workhorse. The winter months were beginning to thaw and other than the cold, stark realisation that some of the six glow plugs might need replacing, all was well.
It might seem obtuse of me to begin this new column on car restoration with a well-targeted shot across the bow – but nonetheless, I’m taking aim and firing.