Ciate London

10 Of The Best – Lip Balms

‘A kiss is a secret which takes the lips for the ear’. Except it’s cold out, with the seasonal weather making even the most sensual secret into a hoarse whisper. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve pressed a balm to the rest of my face when donning my facemask, the material either sticking to any salve or else the feeling of cotton chafing my un-balmed lips. Finding the perfect lip balm has always been a quest of mine, but now we have further compounding factors affecting performance. So, tried and tested over the last few months, here are my top ten.  Best for SPF, think of Lip Defence as…

The Beauty Passport, our second journey

It’s been a time of change, adjustment, and uncertainty, but I turn towards the future with hope, amongst a little trepidation. Some may have snuck in some travel in the late summer months. Personally, with three European trips canceled by quarantine changes or airline cancellations, it will be a little while longer before I take my Beauty Passport internationally. As the winter months draw in and hygge vibes heighten as the days shorten, let’s take another trip around the UK for inspiration to shake up your skincare routine, add new colour to your space, or surprise someone you may be missing whilst distance may be separating us. For those of…